Many people in Hawaii and elsewhere enjoying visiting friends who have swimming pools. Hours of leisure and recreation are often shared around backyard pools, as well as those found at community locations or commercial hotels and resorts. However, when things go wrong and swimming pool accidents occur due to owner negligence, those adversely affected may wonder where to turn for help in pursuing justice against those deemed liable.
Property owners are responsible for the safety of their visitors. They are obligated to make every effort to keep grounds free of obstacles and debris that may pose a risk to those who walk there. Where swimming pools are concerned, various types of negligence may place guests in danger.
Pool accidents often result in serious injury. In fact, many people who have been injured in swimming accidents have been left permanently disabled. If a property owner was deemed negligent, it is only right that he or she be held accountable for an injured victims suffering.
At Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks, we have successfully represented many clients who have filed premises liability claims after becoming injured in swimming pool accidents on private property in Hawaii. We have also represented those who were hurt while visiting hotels or other commercial establishments. Depending on the circumstances, damages may include (but are often not limited to) medical bills, emotional pain and suffering, and lost wages. Through a thorough investigation of your claim, we can help you determine the maximum amount of restitution to which you may entitled for the injuries you have suffered on property that belonged to someone else.