Automobiles are often the favored means of travel for many people across the country. Countless new vehicles are manufactured each year, leaving consumers with numerous options. When someone in Hawaii purchases one of these, the expectation is that it will function properly. Unfortunately this is not always the case, and any defective products within a vehicle may increase the potential for a catastrophic accident to occur.
A woman has recently filed a claim against a company after she was run over by her own car. She purchased the vehicle in 2015, the year it was made. She claims to have expressed concerns to the dealer about the gearshift, but says she was assured that it was in proper working order. Several months later, she had the vehicle in park and was nearby when it suddenly started rolling backwards and ran over her.
The woman was seriously injured in the process. She claims the company was negligent in the design of the vehicle, causing her to suffer as a result. Such injuries can create various hardships for the accident victim, often resulting in extensive medical expenses, along with loss of income if forced to take time off work. If a company is found to have been at fault in the negligent design of a vehicle, it may be held accountable for any serious injuries that result.
Automobiles that contain defective products can cause significant harm to a person. Victims may seek restitution through the civil justice system. This process is often complex, prompting many people in Hawaii to seek the assistance of an experienced attorney for advice and assistance regarding the filing of a personal injury claim.