Baby bottle warmers and rattles may be among defective products

On Behalf of | Jun 30, 2016 | Product Liability |

When it comes to the safety of children, parents are often concerned with the quality of store-bought products they use. As consumers, they can reasonably assume that all reasonable steps have been taken and laws obeyed that help keep products safe, especially when used in the care and upbringing of babies and other children. When defective products in Hawaii cause injury or illness, parents may become understandably angry and frustrated.

Many mothers choose to feed their infants through hand-held bottles. Advanced technology has provided many handy products, such as bottle warmers to help keep formulas or pumped breast milk at appropriate temperatures for feeding purposes. One company has had its electric bottle warmers recalled recently, however.

It seems that the devices are prone to overheating, an obvious danger for parents and children. The overheated items may catch fire, and those who own them have been advised to contact the appropriate officials for more information on how to return them. Apparently, there are at least 250,000 of the bottle warmers currently in circulation.

Another recall was also issued involving baby rattles produced by another company. These toys are shaped like octopuses and have circular pieces of fabric on the tentacles. Babies who hold the rattles are reportedly at risk because the discs can come off and pose a choking hazard.

Any parent in Hawaii whose child has suffered injury from defective products is able to seek compensation for damages by filing a products liability claim on behalf of the child. The first logical step to take in the process would be to discuss the situation with an attorney. An investigation can then be launched to help identify all possible sources of liability and the maximum amount of recovery to which one may be entitled.

Source:, “Recalls this week: Bottle warmers, baby rattles”, Accessed on June 28,, 2016
