Medical malpractice case might interest Hawaii podiatry patients

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2015 | Medical Malpractice |

Medical patients in Hawaii and beyond have the right to reasonably assume that any doctor, nurse, surgeon, practitioner or other medical staff member will perform all procedures and duties pertaining to medical treatment and care according to the highest levels of professionalism and safety standards. When a patient suffers injury or becomes ill due to negligence on the part of medical staff, he or she sometimes chooses to file a medical malpractice claim in a civil court. Exercising this right allows him or her to seek compensation for any damages sustained due to injury or illness caused by substandard care.

In a recent case, a podiatry patient is suing a doctor whom allegedly caused her serious but preventable injuries. The woman claims that the podiatrist diagnosed her with chronic irritation on the medial aspects of both heels of her feet. Upon his recommendation, she underwent approximately 14 treatments of debriding over an extended period of time. Debriding is typically defined as a surgical removal of damaged or contaminated tissue.

The woman claims that because of her medical history and presentation of condition, the doctor should have known that she would not heal properly from such treatments. Her claim further asserts that the doctor’s negligence caused her to suffer Osteomyelitis, an inflammation of bone/marrow caused by infection. This necessitated further medical care and surgical amputation.

The woman is seeking compensation for damages that include disfigurement, loss of wages and diminished daily activities. Patients in Hawaii who have suffered similarly from podiatry or other medical negligence and are considering filing medical malpractice claims might first wish to discuss the details with experienced legal professionals in the area. This would be one way to help identify all potential sources of liability and to determine all options available insofar as seeking compensation for damages under the guidance and support of a medical malpractice attorney. 

Source:, “Woman loses foot, charges podiatrist with negligence“, Carol Ostrow, Sept. 8, 2015
