Skilled Legal Representation For Admiralty And Maritime Cases In Hawaii

Hawaii beckons the world to visit, play at and enjoy sandy beaches and blue ocean. Unfortunately, sometimes a vacation turns tragic and a family has to cope with a serious injury or death.

Lawyers at the Honolulu law firm of Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks can help. We investigate the facts and analyze issues of negligence and liability after maritime accidents, whether they involved passengers or crew, in Hawaiian waters or on the high seas in the Pacific.

Help For Injured Workers On The Ocean And In Marinas

Our firm has handled personal injury claims involving maritime and ocean-related accidents since its formation in 1973. We have represented passengers, as well as ship and dock workers, and many others injured by or on ships and boats. We also represent people injured in ocean-related activities such as diving and swimming.

We have recovered on claims for shipboard seamen, dock and longshore workers, cruise ship passengers, maritime construction and dredging workers, and recreational swimmers and divers involved in ocean activities. In nearly 50 years, we have represented members of all maritime unions dispatching members out of Honolulu and many western ports.

Schedule A Free Consultation Today

Contact us by email or phone to schedule a free initial consultation regarding any water-related injury case such as a drowning, a scuba diving injury, a Jet Ski accident, a parasailing accident, a fishing boat accident or accidental injury aboard an ocean liner. Call 808-600-3514 to learn about your options today.